

Person recalibrating by meditating in field

To say that a time like this is uncommon would be a severe understatement.  How often does an event occur that calls for the whole of humanity to act?  We are living through a period that future generations will be shocked to hear about.  They will stare wide-eyed at us as we speak of being stuck at home for months on end.  It should go without saying that a time like this requires a hefty amount of recalibration…

Recalibrate Your State

Recalibrate Your State- drawn image of woman meditating with lotus flower in front of her

Right now, more than ever, we need to recalibrate our own internal navigation systems.  Each and every single one of us has one, yet it seems that the majority has forgotten.  We’ve been disconnected from them for far too long…

Celebrating No Matter What!

Woman wearing a long sleeved sweater celebrating with a sparkler glowing in her hands

“Why Should We Celebrate during a Time like THIS?!” Celebration might not be something you can imagine at this time, during this year, but bear with me. There’s a reason why it can be of great help in steering your life toward things that…

Awareness of the Actor

Awareness- drawing of a Blue Eye with Flowers inside of it

There are so many layers and so much depth to the seemingly simple concept of awareness that to sum them up with this one word can seem somewhat daunting. In theater alone, the plethora of internal and external factors that make up this beautifully simple concept…

Persistence (AKA Persist-Dance)

Black and White image of Ballet Dancer spinning with ribbon

I love to think about Persistence as a Dance, one where we are in the constant ebb and flow with ourselves, with others and the Universe.  So much comes from staying the course, internally and externally that we must learn to be…


Reirani Awareness Blog image - Reirani on a beach with eyes closed

Awareness is juicy – it’s some quantum level ish. I have three favorite sayings about awareness that have helped me cultivate it in my own life.  I say these things to myself all the time. Whenever someone tells me…

Trust in the Power of Authenticity

Woman and Little Girl trusting in the power of authenticity by laughing in the rain

How much time have you spent looking at yourself in the mirror, making funny faces, and playing around with characters?  We all do it (quite unashamedly I might add).  Why then do most of us tend to hate the sound of our own voice when we hear it played back? What makes us cringe at the sight…

When Reality Bites, Let Yourself Cry

Close-up of Eye Feeling Fully Through Tears

In-authenticity is learned behavior. We suppress our feelings and our tears. Somehow not crying is perceived as strength when it’s actually the opposite. It’s toxic to our systems when we hold the tears back. By doing so, we set ourselves up for disease and illness while risking the loss of our authentic nature…

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