Tribe Interactive


Steve Blum holding Piddle the dog and kissing the top of his head with Piddle smiling and his eyes closed

There are a lot of ways we can learn to relax more. It doesn’t have to be a Mai Tai on the Beach (though there’s nothing wrong with that!). You can find ways to relax in traffic, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, while being buffeted around by the world. Honestly, I think that’s integral to surviving this thing called life…

Live Coaching Session #1

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”Webinar Post” collapsed=”off” _builder_version=”3.2″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0)”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.2″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0)”][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_post_nav _builder_version=”3.13.1″ in_same_term=”on” locked=”off” parent_locked=”off” show_next=”off” /][et_pb_video _builder_version=”3.13.1″ src=”″ image_src=”” play_icon_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.5)” /][et_pb_text admin_label=”Optional Text Under Video 1″ _builder_version=”3.2″ /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Main Text” _builder_version=”3.13.1″] This is the FIRST session in Steve Blum’s Live Coaching from Wednesday, August 8th 2018!  The video is about two hours and ten …

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Me and My Friend Logic

Logic & Steve Blum in hats

I got into voiceover cause I loved doing voices. I’ve done them my whole life and especially when my kids were little. If you’d told me back then that I’d not only be doing this for a living one day but that this career would lead me into inspirational speaking, teaching voiceover classes, and talking to thousands of people about things other than cartoons and comic book characters, I would have thought you were crazy!

Before Voice Over Classes – Get Confident!

Steve Blum speaking at a panel at New York Comic Con

Before you ever even get into any of the technique or the performance aspect of voice acting, building your confidence is a critical thing you really need to be able to do. At the very least you need to have a game plan for how to manage yourself if that confidence is lacking and you have to perform anyway. When you’re learning how to become a voiceover artist, confidence is one of the fundamental things that can make or break you.

Take a Risk! – A Voiceover Must!

Steve pointing over his shoulder at someone taking a risk in the ocean

My risk-taking journey began when I was a starving musician during the ‘80s, playing in an R&B band opening for heavy metal acts. As you might imagine that wasn’t going well, but I thought that’s what I really wanted to do. I wanted something different and exciting, and to me that was both of those things. I had to support myself, so …

When it comes to Voiceover, Sometimes Failure Is Success!

Steve Blum in the studio with another voice actor gesturing to script

If you ask any successful person in voiceover, they’ll tell you that they’ve failed way more than they’ve succeeded. In fact, if you don’t fail how are you going to succeed? One cannot happen without the other, it’s like the dark side and the light side. They go hand-in-hand. I failed many times to get to this point. I’m probably going to fail again many times before …

Blum Room Excerpt – Questions from the audience on Steve Blum’s Voiceover Career and Life!

Steve Blum at the microphone with red foam behind

So I know a lot of you don’t have a chance to go to conventions or aren’t in my voiceover classes and I also know that a lot of you have questions for me. You often ask me on Twitter or email about my voiceover career and I just don’t have time to answer everything, so I thought this might be a nice format and allow me to give you guys a little shout out

The Vowel Movement Challenge – Vocal Warm-Up Exercises you can do Anywhere!

Steve Blum at the microphone making a silly face with red foam behind

So we’re going to have some fun today! The whole idea of these vocal warm-up exercises is for us to get out of our box, to let go of the stuff that holds us back, to go back to the sandbox when we were little kids and nothing really phased us, back when we could be stupid and make goofy faces and we weren’t really judged, or at least we …

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