
When Reality Bites, Move Forward

Image of a Cyclone on a Field

In the crazy, wonderful, ridiculous pursuit of acting there are going to be times when reality bites.  Things will just seem to be stacked against us (and it will likely happen a lot).  It truly can be one of the most disheartening businesses out there, designed to…

When Reality Bites, What’s Your Reaction?

Collage of a woman's various facial reactions

Many people have heard the phrase, “Fight or Flight” regarding someone’s reaction to danger. It’s the body’s natural stress response that helps you react to perceived threats as appropriate. Fight or Flight is an active defense where you either stay in…

When Reality Bites

Chain nailed to a timber

“Reality” is all-the-way painful right now, for many people in many countries and on many fronts. You could call it a bite. A sting. Or even a wounding. No matter where you are in the world – and I’m writing this from the very edge of it – New Zealand – you’ve likely experienced some kind of “stinging” from this year’s events…

Let’s Have A Real Conversation

Woman walking out of a tunnel into the light

I want us to have a real conversation, one that opens us up to the Truth. So many of us have challenges that no one knows about because we keep them locked up inside. We pretend that all is well when really it’s not. On the flip side, many of us have…


Woman with arms outstretched looking out at a city from atop a grassy hill at sunset

Celebration is inherently active. It is not a natural reaction to something or even a feeling, but a responsive action that one can choose to partake in. Birthday parties don’t just plan themselves. Weddings don’t just happen without at least a couple of people making a plan. We have the power to choose to celebrate what we celebrate…

Love and Positivity

Blurred person looking at an open notebook with the words "Decide what kind of life you actually want. Then say 'no' to everything that isn't that"

Leading with love and positivity can provide strength within and help you realize your power, thus allowing you to expand and do greater things. It is not unrealistic to say the world is at least a bit chaotic, especially as of late. That said, it’s even more common for us to use social media as an escape…

Trust Yourself

Trust definition image

Trust plays a HUGE role in what it means to surrender into your calling, your artistry, and your gifts/talents as an actor or creative. It is extremely important to build Trust within yourself so you can sustain challenges when they arise but more importantly, so you can Love yourself; the kind of self love that will do for you whatever it takes to ensure that you are …

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