Blumvox Blog

When it comes to Voiceover, Sometimes Failure Is Success!

Steve Blum in the studio with another voice actor gesturing to script

If you ask any successful person in voiceover, they’ll tell you that they’ve failed way more than they’ve succeeded. In fact, if you don’t fail how are you going to succeed? One cannot happen without the other, it’s like the dark side and the light side. They go hand-in-hand. I failed many times to get to this point. I’m probably going to fail again many times before …

Blum Room Excerpt – Questions from the audience on Steve Blum’s Voiceover Career and Life!

Steve Blum at the microphone with red foam behind

So I know a lot of you don’t have a chance to go to conventions or aren’t in my voiceover classes and I also know that a lot of you have questions for me. You often ask me on Twitter or email about my voiceover career and I just don’t have time to answer everything, so I thought this might be a nice format and allow me to give you guys a little shout out

The Vowel Movement Challenge – Vocal Warm-Up Exercises you can do Anywhere!

Steve Blum at the microphone making a silly face with red foam behind

So we’re going to have some fun today! The whole idea of these vocal warm-up exercises is for us to get out of our box, to let go of the stuff that holds us back, to go back to the sandbox when we were little kids and nothing really phased us, back when we could be stupid and make goofy faces and we weren’t really judged, or at least we …

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