Blumvox Blog


Square image of volcanic ash in Hawaii

Celebration isn’t something we normally associate with learning how to be a voice actor, but a year ago I dedicated an entire class to it. It’s something that’s easily passed over when you’re working hard to build a career, and sometimes it’s even completely forgotten! Here at Blumvox Studios, we have a lot to celebrate. Our original goal was …

Charlie Adler- Acting, Failing, and Overcoming Fear

Voice actor and director Charlie Adler with Steve Blum in the booth

Charley Adler: I didn’t start out as a voice actor, I started as an actor in the theater in New York. I would wake up in the morning, do 2 radio spots, shoot a commercial, make it to the theatre and then go sing in a club that night, then be flown out to LA to screen test for something. There was no label, I was just an actor. Then, around 1983, when I started coming out to LA …

How Do I Get An Agent?

Banner image of voiceover agent Larry Riess

As part of our new Special Guest Voiceover Teaching Series, we brought in Larry Reiss, from my Agent’s Office – Arlene Thornton & Associates. Arlene has been my Agent for the better part of 15 years and Larry has vast experience in casting, engineering and directing. Larry has been a …

Integrity and Taking Responsibility

Voiceover artist and instructor, Steve Blum, speaking in a panel at Phoenix Comic Fest in 2018

There’s one thing you’ll figure out quickly when you decide to learn Voiceover. The voiceover business and the entertainment business in general can be wildly unpredictable. At times it seems like an endless marathon of hoops you have to keep jumping through, just to get noticed, let alone to thrive. This may seem counter-intuitive, but …

Marketing and Voiceover Jobs

Text reading "Steve Blum Character Voices" with a cartoon mouth replacing the "V" of Steve

Long before we had the internet, if we wanted to get a job in voiceover we had to market ourselves the “old-fashioned” way. At the time I got in it was all about submitting cassette tapes. Not long after that, it went to CDs, which you did if you wanted to get noticed. We paid A LOT in postage for mass mailings …

Confidence and Self Care in Your Voiceover Career

Beating chest in Confidence

Your health – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually – can affect your ability to perform. In life, relationships, work and yes, even in your voiceover career. Simply put, when you feel good, you’re better able to express yourself. When I suggest to my students to let go of the fear and judgment they’ve been carrying around . . .

Voiceover and the Importance of Trust

Voice actor Tara Strong kicking Steve Blum in the face in a silly way

We’re called upon to trust often in the voiceover business. Trust the process, trust that our teachers aren’t full of crap, trust that if we do the work, something will come of it. We need to Trust that we’ll be remembered when we’re great and not forgotten when …

Karabast Star Wars! It’s Over!

Star Wars Rebels characters gathered together in front of orange background

So I recently wrapped one my favorite shows ever, Star Wars Rebels. This year marked the 4th and final season of an incredible odyssey, and the opportunity for me to play in a universe I loved as a kid, though I couldn’t possibly have imagined “growing up” to become a …

Get started with your voiceover career

Seize the microphone and catapult your voiceover career into the stratosphere by taking the first electrifying step today!

  • Live monthly class taught online from Steve’s studio
  • Over 200 hours of premium on-demand classes
  • Exclusive access to our live special guest series with Q&A
  • Members only digital newsletter
  • Join our member community of other Voice Actors
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