Team Blumvox's Blog

Immerse yourself in our Team Blogs, a realm of insight and inspiration, where experience, wisdom, and storytelling converge to enlighten your path.
Blurred person looking at an open notebook with the words "Decide what kind of life you actually want. Then say 'no' to everything that isn't that"

Love and Positivity

Leading with love and positivity can provide strength within and help you realize your power, thus allowing you to expand and do greater things. It is not unrealistic to say the world is at least a bit chaotic, especially as of late. That said, it’s even more common for us to use social media as an escape...
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Image of 8 rocks of varying sizes stacked on top of eachother precariously on a beach

Finding Balance in Work and Life

How do you "Find Balance" when “Balance” is characterized as a state of equilibrium achieved by the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces? It sounds pretty superhero if you ask me ...
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Trust definition image

Trust Yourself

Trust plays a HUGE role in what it means to surrender into your calling, your artistry, and your gifts/talents as an actor or creative. It is extremely important to build Trust within yourself so you can sustain challenges when they arise but more importantly, so you can Love yourself; the kind of self love that will do for you whatever it takes to ensure that you are ...
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Cartoon toolbox with transparent background

What’s In Your Actor’s Toolbox?

I realize the word “toolbox” has being thrown around a lot, both in our content and in many other acting blogs so first just let me clarify: the actor’s toolbox is an internal collection of techniques, skills, and information that can be drawn from whenever you need them ...
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Blue-Green background banner with words "Expansion vs. Contraction"

Expand-Don’t Contract!

Perhaps you’re stuck at home with family members you don’t like. Maybe the kids are driving you nuts, or you’re going crazy trying to stick to your normal routine while surrounded by a world and an economy in flux. Expansion doesn’t have to look like more stuff, or more money, or bigger and better things happening in your life...
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Square grey block with a hand drawn outline of a person meditating with the words "If you can't go outside go inside"


My mind has been one big constant thought lately. Meditation has been challenging and staying consistent with my Breath work has been too. One moment I feel calm and relaxed and the next moment I’m tense and unsure. I have to consciously bring myself back to my Breath throughout the day, everyday right now. I’m finding that I’ve been holding my Breath for extended periods of time (again) which signals to me that I’m stressed and afraid. I did this a lot when I was a kid, so I’m giving myself the freedom to feel the stress and ...
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Wide image of a small sprout in the dirt with a blurred background


In a time of inevitable uncertainty surrounding a health crisis unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetimes, for those of us who are fortunate enough to even be able to self-isolate inside of our homes, there are still countless frustrations we are facing. As artists, we are certainly not immune to these struggles- having passions for inherently extroverted and community-based forms of work, creation, and self-expression while being stuck in our homes. It is frustrating to maintain the same level of ...
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Anatomical image of a man and a woman surrounded by various plants with lines connecting them to the body parts they aid

Holistic Health and Your Voice

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Headshot of Blumvox Studios team member Brandon Blum smiling in a light orange button-up shirt

The Roller Coaster

I get it, the whole “roller coaster” metaphor has been used everywhere from daily conversation to movies to every episode of “The Bachelor”. What is so fantastic about this visualization is that it really does apply to everyone, both in the span of an entire lifetime and within any extended experience. We have all buckled ourselves in on a plethora of rides...
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