Tribe Interactive


Reirani Awareness Blog image - Reirani on a beach with eyes closed

Awareness is juicy – it’s some quantum level ish. I have three favorite sayings about awareness that have helped me cultivate it in my own life.  I say these things to myself all the time. Whenever someone tells me…

When Reality Literally Bites!

When Reality Bites- Image of Steve Blum biting his hand in the booth

A couple of weeks ago I was bitten on the toe by a black widow spider. I had to go to the emergency room. My foot swelled up with infection to the point that I couldn’t wear shoes. Three days later I was stung by a bee. My thumb swelled up so big it was hard to hold anything with my right hand. That same week my Pro Tools began to freeze, my email stopped working properly and the bluetooth powering…

Trust in the Power of Authenticity

Woman and Little Girl trusting in the power of authenticity by laughing in the rain

How much time have you spent looking at yourself in the mirror, making funny faces, and playing around with characters?  We all do it (quite unashamedly I might add).  Why then do most of us tend to hate the sound of our own voice when we hear it played back? What makes us cringe at the sight…

When Reality Bites, Let Yourself Cry

Close-up of Eye Feeling Fully Through Tears

In-authenticity is learned behavior. We suppress our feelings and our tears. Somehow not crying is perceived as strength when it’s actually the opposite. It’s toxic to our systems when we hold the tears back. By doing so, we set ourselves up for disease and illness while risking the loss of our authentic nature…

When Reality Bites, Move Forward

Image of a Cyclone on a Field

In the crazy, wonderful, ridiculous pursuit of acting there are going to be times when reality bites.  Things will just seem to be stacked against us (and it will likely happen a lot).  It truly can be one of the most disheartening businesses out there, designed to…

When Reality Bites, What’s Your Reaction?

Collage of a woman's various facial reactions

Many people have heard the phrase, “Fight or Flight” regarding someone’s reaction to danger. It’s the body’s natural stress response that helps you react to perceived threats as appropriate. Fight or Flight is an active defense where you either stay in…

When Reality Bites

Chain nailed to a timber

“Reality” is all-the-way painful right now, for many people in many countries and on many fronts. You could call it a bite. A sting. Or even a wounding. No matter where you are in the world – and I’m writing this from the very edge of it – New Zealand – you’ve likely experienced some kind of “stinging” from this year’s events…

Making a Demo That Rocks!

Banner image of demo producer and VO Buzz Weekly host Chuck Duran

I consider Chuck Duran of Demos That Rock to be the greatest living demo producer out there, he’s literally the guy who makes it happen for many of us. I’ve been fortunate enough to have two of my demos done with Chuck, and I intend to do many more with him in the future. I always tell my students when it comes to …

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