Tribe Interactive

50 Classes: Beyond the Vision

50 Classes-Beyond the Vision_Steve Blum at the mic with sunglasses and a mask on

Hey fam. So… we just completed our 50th class. A few years ago, to me and my partner Trina, Blumvox Studios was nothing more than a dream. Trina saw the vision, but to me it was a seemingly insurmountable, nebulous, foray into the unknown. After the first three decades in the business and almost 6 decades on the planet…

Seemingly Random Happenstances…(aka my Journey to Team Blumvox)

Image of Comic Van parked in parking lot surrounded by forest

As I write this, I realize I have not yet officially introduced myself in this amazing community so… Hi! I’m Gwen (aka: Gwendolyn), a theatre lover living in the Greater Seattle area with many passions in the artistic and creative world. I believe that LIFE IS IMPROV, and I love to play around and create – especially within the areas of photography, culinary, poetry, music, and more! Also, I believe in philanthropy and …

Leadership- What does it really look like?

Leadership - Dogs leading cows down stream

Leadership (or lack thereof) is something we’ve gotten a good dose of throughout the world this year. Thanks to Covid we’ve seen Leaders who don’t “walk the talk”, leaders who don’t do what they tell us to do, and leaders who fall far short – and some that have fallen from grace as a result…

Opportunity or Is Our World Random?

The word "Opportunity" with a lit doorway instead of the "I"

First a Little About Me I’m the new “kid” on the  BVS team and this is my first Blumvox Studio’s Team Blog Post. As an independent contractor, I helped Blumvox Studios with their website technology update in 2018. This fall, I was delighted to be invited to join Blumvox full-time…

What Do You Want?

What do you want- Person walking down road with yellow trees hanging over

It’s almost a New Year. A time when folks take a moment to reflect on some things they should do differently.  A time for asking yourself, “What do you want?” and committing to change. They are often seemingly simple things on the surface but ultimately require a complete change in lifestyle (or at the very least, an overhaul of time management). You know the normal resolutions: work out more, eat healthier …

Mastering the Story with LeVar Burton

Banner of voice actor LeVar Burton

Mastering the Story was the title of our 47th Class in my Teaching Series, and how appropriate it was to have a true Master of the Story – LeVar Burton – join us in class that night. Below is an excerpt from that well- spent time with a man who’s inspired me for decades – one filled with wonder, gratitude and insight from a Master Storyteller and a magnificent Human Being.

Shift Happens

Shift Happens Image of Yellowstone Park

There’s no denying that 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year. We started January with “normal” expectations and goals, then news of a virus started creeping across the country and slowly, our nation and our world (both physical and mental) started shifting – and continues to do so – often!

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