Tribe Interactive

The Art of Surrender

Heliotroping_The Art of Surrender_Reirani

Surrender is defined in Dictionaries as “submitting to an authority, giving up against an enemy, and ceasing to resist an opponent”. Surrender has always been a word that relates to battles, enemies and warring.


Cartoon image of computer screen with text "Reality Check Ahead!" in green and green striped background behind

In a recent company meeting, I relayed that I had an experience with a vendor who was behaving in an inauthentic manner. I was frustrated. Steve suggested that authenticity would be a good subject for my next post…

Play to Your Strengths

Play to Your Strengths- One yellow umbrella among many black umbrellas

Imagine for a moment that you’re auditioning for a character, or perhaps have already been cast.  As you explore the intricacies of the role and navigate the style of the piece you discover that one or both are unfamiliar.

Hale and Hearty Wisdom with Jennifer Hale

Banner of voice actor Jennifer Hale with popular characters

The following is an excerpt from Class # 53 with the incomparable Jennifer Hale: On Change and Being Flexible- Steve: We often talk about the need to be flexible and to be able to constantly adapt in this business. How has work changed for you in a positive way during this time and do you think that that’s going to affect you moving forward?

Underneath The Surface

Under the surface- Installing laminate flooring

Life is usually passing by too fast for me. I go through my day accepting the things that need repair both in my physical space and in my body and mind. This week I learned more about what is under the surfaces of my world. I’ll share what I’ve learned.

Change is Inevitable

Italian Alders beginning to lose their leaves

“Change is inevitable” they say, and a good thing too. We don’t always want OR need things to stay the same. It might be great when “what is” IS great, but when the chips are down change can also be a very welcome thing!

The Anxiety of Choice

Doors in a Hallway

The skill of choice is something I’ve had to work on (and continue to work on) a lot throughout my life. Those who know me best will tell you I am incredibly indecisive. Picking simple things like what to eat for dinner or what movie to watch are often particularly a struggle. More often than not I will end up making a list of appealing options and offering it to the other person. I would like to think it is because …

Tech and Tech

Tech and Tech Q&A banner with Steve Blum and purple background

There are a lot of different things you can do depending on how clever you are and how much room you have. You can build a little booth out of just PVC and moving blankets and that’s pretty effective if you don’t have too much ambient noise outside – like you don’t have a lot of people running around the house and dogs barking, things like that.

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