Ask Me Anything

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“The Home Convention Experience”.

Ever wanted to attend one of those convention panels in big-city USA, getting the chance to ask anything you want to a guy who literally has no limits on what is ok to ask? Can’t get there? Don’t have time to get there? This is an opportunity to have that experience, in a virtual Panel, where you get to ask Whatever. You. Want. Anything! For Reals.

AND!  When you attend an AMA you get a really sweet Bonus!  A BVS GOLDEN TICKET!!! This allows you to go to the FRONT OF THE LINE at any of Steve’s autograph signings, at any Convention, ANYWHERE in the World! If you’ve been to the big conventions, you know that these lines can be hours long. This saves you valuable time and allows you to do other awesome things like panels, cosplay, gaming, eating… living the con life, yo! Plus, you’ll get a FREE AUTOGRAPH! As you know, these cost up to $30 each at the convention! This MORE than pays for the price of the AMA! Your Golden ticket will be sent via email and there is no expiration date! (Terms and conditions apply)
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Blumvox Studios Golden Ticket - Ask Steve Blum Anything!


The first people in the room to get “in line” in the chat will be called forward and get to AMA live on video with Steve!

Don’t be late if you wanna know stuff! Any stuff!



Don’t miss out on the next


Check back soon!  Next AMA TBA

Cost for this one-time event is just $20

*Please note: The email you have associated with your PayPal is where your confirmation and registration goes – so make sure you have access to that otherwise all will be lost!*

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  • Over 200 hours of premium on-demand classes
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